Our Animals
GCC Organics’ role in our environment dictates our management philosophy. We are Certified Organic because we believe that genetically engineered food is hazardous. We also believe that chemicals like glyphosate (Round-Up®), and 2, 4-D are dangerous compounds that are regularly sprayed on GMO and Non-GMO crops alike. Organic standards prohibit the use of these and other hazardous chemicals. GCC Organics goes beyond organic standards when it comes to animal welfare. Delbert is a member of the Humane Society of the United States Michigan Ag Council. His bio and the other members of the Ag Council can be found here. Our welfare practices stem from a desire to follow nature’s course. This involves animal movement, fresh air, and open space.

Our cornish cross broilers are placed in these shelters at 3 weeks of age. From that day until butchered, they are moved every morning to fresh grass. These are open bottom shelters with added protection from weather and predators. Approximately 20% of their diet is from pasture, acting as a natural detoxicant. The rest of their diet is an organic, complete feed consisting of corn, whole-roasted soybeans, oats and other organic ingredients. Beginning in 2014, these shelters were equipped with a fresh water delivery system allowing the broilers access to fresh well water on demand. Poultry are designed to break down grains with their gizzard which holds rocks to help them grind their feed.

GCC Organics has a diversified herd of Hereford, Dexter, and Angus cattle. They are moved every afternoon to a fresh paddock of pasture. Our cattle are given an organic blend of salt and kelp as a mineral supplement. Kelp’s nutrients are absorbed as needed through the intestinal tract with any excess vitamin or mineral allowed to pass. Synthetic minerals are highly absorptive requiring the animals liver and kidneys to process the minerals which can cause damage over time. Our cattle are never given any grain supplementation because they are specifically designed to digest fibrous grasses and legumes with the four stomach digestive tract. Grain feeding was a direct outcome of excess crop production in the Midwest and rail costs to metropolitan centers in the East. During the winter months, GCC Organics feeds the cattle hay grown on the farm during the green months. We continue to expand our grazing season with dormant grass grazing in the winter, but a major hurdle has been water delivery.

Photo courtesy of V.I.T.A.E.© 2016 NW JOURNEY LLC.

Photo courtesy of V.I.T.A.E.© 2016 NW JOURNEY LLC.
Using electrified poultry netting, our egg layers are given 19000 + sq ft of fresh pasture every three days. The netting contains the chickens reducing the amount that wonder off and protects them from ground predators. The pasture constitutes up to 40% of their feed with the remainder coming from grain. The layers feed consists of organic corn, whole roasted soybeans, oats and other organic ingredients. During the winter months, we supplement their grain intake with clover hay which they love to dig through. Like the broilers, they have fresh water on demand as well. Poultry are physically designed to digest grain with a gizzard that actually holds rocks to help grind their feed. These rocks are called grit and fed free-choice.

GCC Organics turkeys are moved to shelters like the broilers at 3 weeks old. They are kept in these shelters until 7 weeks where they are moved to an electrified netting similar to the layers. Turkeys are difficult to raise until they reach the 8 week milestone in which they become almost indestructible. They are moved to fresh pasture every 3 days. They are aggressive foragers; pasture can consist of 60% of their diet. The turkeys are supplemented with an organic, complete feed much like the layers and broilers. We raise the commercial strain broad breasted whites. We do this because customers recognize the look of this bird compared to what a heritage turkey would look like. All similarities stop there, because our management of these birds is completely different from any industrialized model.

Photo courtesy of V.I.T.A.E.© 2016 NW JOURNEY LLC.

Hogs on the farm do the heavy lifting of pasture management, compost turning, and land reclamation. GCC Organics pastured-raised hogs are Certified Organic, non-GMO, raised in open spaces, and routinely moved. They finish out under our oak trees which offers them the ability to harvest acorn mast and root through the leaves while being shaded from the sun. Their service provides excellent bacon, ham and loin. All processing is certified organic with no added nitrates or nitrites. Pay homage to this exceptional creature by trying our delicious pork today.