Back Row L-R , Charlotte, Grandpa "Bud" Garrett, Mina Garrett, Rhys, Krystyl Garrett, Deitrick, Delbert Garrett Front Row L-R, Doug Lentz, Jennifer Lentz, Heather Lentz

Our Family and Farm

Delbert Garrett, Jr. began farming as Garrett Cattle Company in 2008. The family farm was originally founded as a homestead by Delbert’s great, great grandfather, Charles M. Garrett, in the 1880’s. The farm was eventually handed over to Delbert’s grandfather, Charles “Bud” Garrett, who successfully ran the operation in various forms from 1942-2008. Until 2000, the focus was conventional dairy farming. From 2000 to 2008, the dairy operation was liquidated and turned into a conventional cash-crop operation. Delbert spent most of his youthful summers on the farm helping Grandpa Bud. In 2008, Delbert and Krystyl Garrett fulfilled Delbert's lifelong dream and returned to the farm for good and took over ownership of the farm. Delbert's passion for the environment and healthy lifestyle soon led to the conversion of the entire operation to become Certified Organic. In 2016, Delbert's in-laws, Doug and Jennifer Lentz, moved from Colorado to form a partnership in GCC Organics.
Our Beliefs and Philosophy
GCC Organics has adopted a holistic management approach. We view every aspect of our operation as being part of a greater whole. GCC Organics is part of the whole that makes up our local community. This in turn, is part of the whole that is Isabella County, which is part of the state of Michigan, of the United States, and of the world. Here at GCC Organics, we strive to appreciate the dynamics within our environment. Being connected to nature, we mimic her patterns. There is a symbiotic relationship between livestock and nature. They feed off and assist each other. We as humans understand this relationship and feel it is imperative to follow this holistic approach in everything we do.
We invite you to visit GCC Organics to view and discuss our whole, which is our farm, our holistic management, and our community. By strengthening our piece, we strengthen the greater. Take control of your food supply. Know your farmer. Live better, and enjoy a more fulfilling life.

Our Future

The family of GCC Organics is especially excited about Organic Farming and Organic Food Production. We are proud of our accomplishments to date, but understand, we are very much still in the infancy stage. We aspire to be a leader in the Organic industry while holding true to our beliefs. We are continually evaluating and improving our operation. Although we realize perfection may never be obtained, we strive to get pretty darn close. We would like to thank our customers and especially our families for their support.